My 4 Cents on The Election
Updated: Oct 31, 2024

I don’t know if you’re aware of this, it’s kind of flown under the radar, but there is an election happening next week. Perhaps you can detect my sarcasm, because odds are, you couldn't even get to this blog without seeing several political ads in the process.
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
-1 Timothy 2:1-2
I think it's important for believers to maintain a healthy view that the role politics play not only in our nation but in our personal lives. We must fight against seeing politics as the solution to all social woes as well as seeing it as the the source of all evil. So, take it or leave it, here is what I think is important for believers to keep in mind as another election season comes and goes. And no, this will not end in an endorsement.
It’s your civic duty to vote, and it’s your Christian duty to pray. As long as we are in this world, we are to be stewards of it. That includes participating in whatever processes exist that give us the ability to influence our communities.
America is a fairly modern experiment. Up until 250 years ago, for virtually all of human history, nations operated under monarchs, regimes, and dictators, under which no one had the right or the privilege to choose their leaders. Throughout history there were hints of democracies and republics but never has there been a nation like the one you and I are living in right now (if you're reading this in America). This nation was founded on the right of all of its citizens to choose their leaders. To not vote is to not participate in that right.
I heard someone say recently, "It’s cute when kids sit on the sideline, it’s not cute when adults do it." When our kids play soccer on Saturdays, it’s always entertaining to watch a kid just plop down in the middle of the field or wander off and play in the grass.
We don’t have the luxury of playing in the dirt while our nation wrestles over its future and its identity. As believers, we are called to engage and participate in the world around us for the glory of God. I can't think of a more integral way to influence the culture around us than to vote for what leaders are put in place to form policy and lead our communities.
I have no interest in telling you how to vote or even telling you how you should live your life. I remind our church often that I will not be the Holy Spirit for anyone. We’ve been given the Word of God and the Spirit of God to counsel, convict, and correct us.
Therefore we have a responsibility to bring our political views before the Lord and to ask Him to reveal to us the way in which we should think, operate, and engage. Our spiritual faith is not to be separate from our political leanings. If the Word governs every aspect of our lives then our faith must inform our vote, not the other way around.
Now obviously the great divide in the last several elections has been a matter of personality vs. policy. It's no secret that believers seem to be divided over whether they should vote against the person who possesses bad character or against the person who possesses bad policies.
First, I think every individual needs to wrestle that out with God in prayer, rather than with strangers in the comment section on Facebook. One is just vastly more efficient than the other. Second, in my personal opinion, there is no one on either side of the aisle in the general election that possess Godly character, unfortunately. Therefore I believe the policies that are most biblically aligned are what is most important.
... and neither should you define someone else by who they vote for. If you want to be a loud and proud about your candidate, go for it, but I would caution you against promoting any candidate more than you promote Christ.
It's easy to characterize someone by their politics, but the reality is, a democratic form of government is not in the Bible and voting for a particular party is not on the list of commands that we are given to abide by. It's also not a prerequisite for our salvation.
Now I want to be clear: we should be educated about who we're voting for. I lose a lot of respect for people who vote solely based on a candidate's persona or the expectation of a demographic to remain loyal to a particular party.
We have freedom in our nation, but even more in Christ! Paul said in Corinthians that "all things are permissible but not all things are beneficial" and in Galatians "do not use your liberty (or freedom) to sin." Just because we can, doesn't mean we should.
I refuse to define myself by who I vote for and I refuse to define my neighbor by who they vote for. Be kind to one another and love your neighbor unconditionally. Let your vote speak for itself and stay out of the comment section. Loving others unconditionally means loving others un-politically (yes, I made that word up).
The Bible says our Savior will return riding on a white horse (Revelation 19) – so I’m not looking for a Savior in the White House.
We must respect and pray for whoever is in office, regardless of who wins. Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah all served King Nebuchadnezzar who was a vile and wicked pagan King. But while serving him well they also opposed his forceful idolatry and chose allegiance to the kingdom of God over the Kingdom of Babylon.
We respect who is in office, but we BOW to who is on the THRONE. We don’t just live in a nation, we live in a Kingdom, and our ruler was not voted in, so He can’t be voted out.
He’s not a Republican, a Democrat, or even an Independent - He’s IN CONTROL. So let your voice be heard not only in the voting booth but in the prayer closet!